Monday, July 14, 2003

Jesus I

Got my puppies yesterday. Finally settled on the name's Rocky for the boy, and Kimba for the girl. They are extremely cute, though Rocky never pees or poops in the right place, always on the lawn or something. Not fun to clean up. But he's cute so that makes it all better...heh heh. Finally collected all my Muppet toys from Jack in the Box. You don't know how many Kids Meals I had to buy for that. 8. Eight. 8 whole kids meals because they gave me a duplicate toy one of the times. Man. I'm bored with this and really have nothing to write. Except that my puppies are cute. If I know you and you want to come see them, by all means, give me a ring. 899.7505 or sn: lisaloo92 or email I love showing them off, you see.

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