Sunday, November 15, 2009

What I have to look forward to

As far as I can tell, being an empty nester consists of the following:
  1. Go out to eat. A lot.
  2. When you do cook, eat leftovers most nights of the week.
  3. Watch TV in separate rooms, on separate TVs, in separate easychairs, with a dog on your lap. Then fall asleep before you watch anything.
  4. Aimlessly walk around Costco at least once a week.
  5. Spend money on toys: Vespa scooters, Apple products, miscellaneous electronics.

I can judiciously say that after chillin' with my parents for the past week, they have a cushy life. I can't wait until I'm old.

I'll be in Utah starting Monday, so I'd better see ya!


Unknown said...

LISA! I got tickets to NEW Moon! Let's go! we can watch twilight on thursday. Are you game?

A and O said...

You DO NOT have to go if you don't want to!
Maybe we could all go see something we'd all like?

Unknown said...

alex, you are such a pessimist. ;)

Unknown said...

lisa, i was merely inviting you. haha i am already going with someone though, so you don't have to go. even if you wanted too.