Friday, April 09, 2010


I've been taking great strides to better my health and my life lately. For example, I acquired a membership to a local gym. I've cut most fats out of my diet. I'm down to 1-2 cans of Diet Coke per day, and I juxtapose that with 3-4 L of water.

My current dilemma comes from the idea of a colon cleanse. I've had friends do various high-fiber cleanses over the years, and they swear by them. With almost too-good-to-be-true results, and a $100+ price tag, I think anyone would be skeptical of such miraculous results. Do I try said cleanse? Are colon cleanses needed anyway? Surely Heavenly Father designed our bodies so immaculately that they'd cleanse themselves.

Guess I won't know 'til I try it.

I went to Dallas last weekend. It was really nice. I met Jeff's family. They are really nice.

Life is nice.


Meg Ruth said...

I did the maple syrup cyanne pepper lemon juice cleanse and it gave me w weird heart palpitation after 4 days. I stopped but the heart palpitation went on for quite a while after.

Not everyone can handle it. Just listen to your body. My pre-med friend told me our bodies regulate themselves.

Britt said...

I think the reason why such an intense, longer program of cleansing is needed sometimes is because those 7-day honey-and-cayenne-pepper-and-lemon things just can't unroot 25 years of crazy foods/fast food/ etc. from our colon. There is more stuff causing disease in their than you can imagine! Most people in America do have parasites, many of which cause a lot of disease, from acne to IBS to chronic fatigue.

And I think the Lord did bless our bodies to be able to filter out much, but we've grown up in a generation with seriously crappy "food" and other toxins - stuff the Lord did not intend for us to fuel our bodies with - and so the colonix program (all vegetarian and herbal-based) is strong enough to let you practically start over - clean colon, and I've really had miraculous results, even twice, but then again I've had some serious intestinal issues. All that said, I understand if people think it's crazy, but there are literally 1 million people who swear by it, because it does work, aside from most American health products which don't do anything.

Anywho, I love you, that's the important part.