Friday, June 29, 2012

closing time

We close next Thursday, or we should. So Jeff and I have started collecting boxes. Just our experience--stores throw away so many cardboard boxes, so go on a dumpster diving adventure and find what you want. Don't buy boxes ever. Just last night we found a ton behind the Petco near our house (free of pet smells, I might add). Though Jeff has many terms of endearment for me, there's one that makes me cringe whenever he uses it. "Hoarder!" he cries, whenever I hesitate in throwing something away. It's in my genes to save. I come from a line of industrious, resourceful Swiss Germans who see the value in everything. Perhaps more value than is actually there sometimes, but 'waste not, want not' isn't a saying for nothing! Last night Jeff made me start going through my vinyl collection, AKA a major source of contention in our marriage. Not that he hates vinyl, because he enjoys listening to them. But he doesn't enjoy owning so many (especially so many we don't listen to). So last night, with Jeff as DJ, we started listening to my many albums I've collected and started weeding out the winners and losers. For example... Winner: Genesis: Nursery Cryme

A great collection of prog rock tunes from the two prog rock greats: Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins. Their vocal style is just so appealing to me. So much intensity, yet so soothing. Like Sting and Morrissey. And this guy. (Skip to the 1:00 mark for vocals).

Twin Shadow 'Slow' (NSFW) from Twin Shadow on Vimeo.

Loser: Jefferson Starship: Red Octopus

The ol' Jefferson Starship. Not my favorite incarnation of the band. Not a great album. Sometimes old bands should just stay old bands. Like the Beach Boys. Have you heard their new album? I gave it a shot on Spotify the other day. Like I said, some bands should just stay old bands. See here:


 Pretty hilarious video plot-wise (toward the end when they open the garage--LOL!), decent cinematography. The consistent rapid succession of jump cuts makes me a little queasy. Does the song conjure visions of a Mormon talent show for anyone else? Now since it's the end of a long post and you're still with me, I've got a gem for you! A new song. A couple of you seemed to like the songs I posted a few weeks back, so here's another one for you. Hope you like it!


1 comment:

Jana said...

Closing day leads to packing day(s) which leads to moving day. Good luck this week! I realize that I'm not very helpful lately, but if there is anything I can do message me.

PS - I thought I was a minimalist until I've had to move frequently over the past few years. With each move I seem to uncover more things that I cannot part with. I think moving brings out the hoarder and minimalist in all of us.