Sunday, January 06, 2008

End of Day Three.

I got back from California Wednesday night. I'm not sure if I mentioned that Alex came with me. From the 26th to the 2nd. It was fun having him there. We did some stuff I normally do when I go home and some stuff I don't normally do. We went to the MOMA. That was probably my favorite because it was just my favorite.

I've successfully conquered days one and two of work. I wish I could tell you all about it, but I can't because this is the interweb, and chances are my boss has my blog bookmarked.

I look at other people, and it always seems like they have it so easy. I don't do this too often because it's unhealthy. But I've been thinking lately that other people don't have it so hard when they graduate. I'm not too emotionally unstable or anything (I'm a crier anyway, right?), but I feel confused about my job, about my current path. I'm thinking this means I missed a turn back there somewhere. I started down the wrong path in November. I'm trying to cut through the woods to the right path as we speak.

If you're reading this and you don't live in Utah but you went to college in Utah, I want you to tell me why you left Utah upon graduation. Conversely, if you went to college in Utah but stayed in Utah upon graduation, I want you to tell me why you stayed. Will you guys comment please? Because I'm really, sincerely curious.

I'm working on a script for a documentary. Only Alex knows what it is and he'd better not tell anyone because I don't want someone to steal it. But everyone should know that this idea is Copyright 2008 Lisa Ruefenacht, because it's going to be in Sundance in a year or two. This idea is too good for it not to be.

PS Thanks to my friends who read this blog. You are all a huge support to me, even if we don't speak that often. So thanks. If you're not my friend and you're reading this blog, thanks anyway, because it makes me happy when Google Analytics tells me I have blog readers.


Unknown said...

Ms. Ruefenstein,

I left the dreaded Utah only because the only jobs I could find there at the time were heavily involved in the church and/or culture. It was pretty much either a/v tech for the conference center or get on with one of the Momo Film Studios somehow. I find I flourish more in a NoMo environment, i.e. I feel less inclined to rebel and more inclined to be an example, or at least as much of an example is possible for my heathen soul. Although, if I were to stay in Utah, I think I could be happy in Salt Lake.

But that's probably more of an explanation than you wanted, and when it boils down to it, the main reason I left was that I felt prompted to go to Las Vegas and later New York. I did briefly consider staying.

MegRuth said...

To my active little peanut gallery:

I don't know about Luke's quote un-quote, heathen soul, but I'm glad he did what he felt was right and moved out to ye olde Nueva York. Even if he's driving me crazy and I can't even finish a thought, let alone a sentence to you.

I left Provo because I had an internship opportunity. I didn't think anything would come of it. But they needed some sucker to hire and I was around. To be honest, what else was I going to do? I would have moved back to California, I think, if it hadn't worked out.

The thing of it is that whatever you choose, or chooses you, it will be right for you. If you start feeling like whatever you doing wasn't the best idea, you will probably pick up some tidbits along the way to wherever you're supposed to be. Don't be too hard on yourself to make THE decision right now. Heavenly Father won't let you go too far off the beaten path before he puts a detour in that brings you back where you're supposed to be.

You're great! No stress!

I love you!

Anonymous said...

i left because i wanted to live in the real world.

don't worry about feeling lost right now. don't worry that you're somehow missing out on life/things/the good stuff (isn't that life & things??)

you're young and you've got your health. what would want a job for?

you'll find your way. remember it's YOUR way, so only you can figure out the path.

big reassuring hugs,


Christina Kim Homer said...


I feel as though I will be echoing the words of Luke. I left Utah because I knew it was not where I was supposed to be, although I probably could have tolerated living in SLC.

To keep the story short, I didn't come to NY because I was prompted to, but because it was the path I had placed before me. I had the option to decline the path (free agency baby), but things work out for the best when you are listening to the spirit.

Good luck with your decision.

LJ said...

Dear Ms. Ruef,

I left Utah because a) I realized I didn't fit in New York, no matter how badly I wanted to and b) that an opportunity opened up in my teensy hometown and the Lord kicked me in the back of the knees and said, "Go! Fast as you can!" That's why I didn't stay in Utah.

On a non-job observation, I left Utah in spite of having dear friends (hint) and family there because I didn't fit there either. I fit in my hometown, oddly enough. It's taken me months to admit that fact. And it's okay.

Though I will say, as I've said so many times before, that I would settle in St. George in a heartbeat. I love that town.