Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Everything is in its right place.

My mission go in this week! Yay! But they issue calls on Thursdays, so I probably won't be issued a call until next week, and then there's the whole waiting-for-the-mail-to-come thing. Anyway. It will be soon.

I have been mostly elated with the response I've received. Most of my friends and loved ones understand what a great thing this is, and that it will forever better my life and the lives of those I teach. Two people said particularly hurtful things which didn't make things easier, but this path is the right one. I'm going, and I couldn't be happier or more at peace with this choice. I will forever treasure this time, and my future family will only be made better for it.

Last night I found out I'm more or less out of a job. I've mentioned the hiring freeze before, which means I can't officially be hired, so I'm freelancing. That actually worked out for the best. However, last night, because the company that owns ABC-4 is such a butt, they laid it out on my boss that they can't even have contract laborers (meaning me, a freelancer). So, I should find out this week if I have a job. Otherwise, I am officially unemployed. What will I do with all this free time? I have no clue. Read a lot of books I guess. Write a lot of blogs I guess. Be a whole lot of bored I guess.

I have been writing a lot of short stories in my head lately, but I never write them down. I think that's what I have all these journals scattered around my room for!

Love Lisa

1 comment:

MegRuth said...

I want to hear your stories.

Jobs are overrated anyway. I'm unemployed after tomorrow.