Tuesday, February 03, 2004


I have been listening to Air's new album all day. "Talkie Walkie." I think that's cute.

Sloan and I broke up for good. Like no talking for awhile, not until I'm over him. It's for the best. It was a wonderful relationship for awhile, the best either of us had ever been in, but things turned so sour so fast. Too much to deal with. So it's over. Just like that. Yeah it hurts, it hurts a lot, but I know it was the right thing to do...My heart still hurts but in a different way. I keep thinking about him though. I took down all the pics of us, of him, his drawings to me. That was hard. I put his emails in a special folder. This really is it. Man, it sucks. It is really hard. But it is for the best. Maybe if I keep telling myself that it will help me. Okay, I doubt it. I think we're back to Time the Avenger.

It snowed today. And last night/this morning while I was on the phone with Alex. 2-3 am P to the rovo time. I didn't get to sleep til 3:30. That's late even for me. Normally I'm like 3 am. Whatev. It was def worth it. Alex and I always have great talks.

I'm coming home for President's Day weekend. I'm fairly excited. I haven't seen Perry since September and it will be really nice to see him. Plus my family, plus Alex, plus Helen, Celeste, Bianca, Hannah, Kevin, etc. If I'm allowed to. Sometimes my parents say they are bringing me home to see the fam, but I honestly can't just hang out with family all weekend ;) I really want to see my grandma. I miss her a lot. And I need to see Perry and Alex. Need to go to Berkeley and SF. Buy some vinyl. Yeeeeah.

It snowed today. I already said that. It's snowing right now.

Anyway, I'm in the library and I need to go take a test, and I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be somewhere right now but I have no idea where or why, so I'm OVER it baby. So over it.

I'm sick of this. Listen to Air and Heart and David Bowie's "Changes."

xoxo lisa.

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