Friday, September 08, 2006

my life story

I think you know your life sucks when you come home on a Friday night, and no one calls you to hang out. The catch is: you don't call anyone either.

Really, this is me. This is what I do most weekends and weeknights. Whether I have no desire to call anyone or lack the confidence is of no importance. I have ten people I could call right now who would want to hang out, but I can't figure out why I don't just call them. Things were much easier when I lived with my best friend and we could stay home and be happy as clams. Now that I don't live with my best friend (I basically live alone; my roommate is never here), I find I am discontent in staying home by myself, yet do nothing to change it. Luckily I don't complain about my version of loneliness to anyone; I keep it to myself and resolve to change it but do nothing.

And that is the crux of human discontent -- one sees what needs to be changed yet makes no attempt to change it.

The end. Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

moris said...
