Monday, April 14, 2008

Can't stop me now!

Everything is settled, including my nerves. Tonight I get set apart. Wednesday I begin my sojourn as a representative for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His church. I cannot wait!

Please write me. You are my loyal friends and I love you. Letters and packages are accepted at either of these locations.

MTC (April 16 through about May 7):

Sister Lisa Marie Ruefenacht
Missouri St. Louis Mission
2005 North 900 East
Provo, UT 84604

Mission home (May 7 2008 until October 2009):

Sister Lisa Marie Ruefenacht
Missouri St. Louis Mission
745 Craig Road Ste. 306
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Periodically, hopefully, someone in my family will update my blog with stories. Check back every once in awhile!

I love you and I love the gospel! I feel the healing powers of the Atonement every day and I feel continually converted to Christ through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Study your scriptures, pray often and direct your thoughts toward good, and toward Christ. I challenge you all to do this! You will be blessed more than you can comprehend! It will change your life!


Sister Ruefenacht

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What the heck?

Today I saw a bull humping a cow in some farmland off the side of the freeway. They were struggling to be discreet, situated behind a tree, but I guess there's really no such thing as being discreet when thousands of people are driving by you each minute.

If you read back a few entries, you can read a great story about my grandma growing up on a farm in Delta, UT. At least, I'm pretty sure I wrote about it.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Like the desert misses the rain.

There is something odd about missing someone. I think Alex said it best once: That when you really miss someone, you feel like you're dying. That's about how I feel right now.

The biggest mistake I've ever made (other than referencing that song in this post's title) was leaving Alex a week earlier than I'd originally planned to. His birthday is today, April 4, and there's a big Johan the Angel show with Musee Mechanique at Kilby Court. And I'm missing them both.

There's that song, "What A Difference A Day Makes," or maybe it's just an idiom, but I think it's an old song. Anyway, the only difference these days are making is that my suffering is being drawn out. The worst part is that I did this to myself.

I know in a few weeks I won't hurt like this anymore, but right now it's pretty much unbearable.

On the bright side, I'm at level 37 on Bubble Bobble, and I'm not as sick anymore (I was pretty sick all week). Other than that, life at home is its typical, boring self, and as much as I love my family, I can't wait to get back on schedule.