Thursday, February 24, 2011

Killer squirrel

I have been wondering lately why I don't really like Houston.

Houston is very big. Not big in the there's-something-cool-around-every-corner big, like New York, or the Bay Area, or European cities. Just big. Strip mall big. Every day I drive by thousands of strip malls, seedy shops where immodest clothes are proudly displayed, fast food joints and greasy Chinese takeout places and lots of beat up cars that badly need body work done. Drivers are either really dumb or really aggressive. I am constantly worried about our apartment being broken into, or Jeff getting jumped at work (he works in the ghetto), or Jeff getting in a car crash, or blowing a tire on the crazy pot holes all over Houston's roads. Every day I dread the summer. If you have never been to Houston in the summer, you are lucky. It is disgusting. The weather here is already getting disgusting. Humid, warm, sticky, and the a/c in the Rat stopped working. In summer there is little respite from the weather. The pool helps, and cold showers, but otherwise you live in a steam room.

It is a noisy city. Noisy with traffic, filth, ugly music. But also birds songs I hadn't previously heard, and kids sometimes, and the NPR affiliate is really good, except for during pledge times when I can't stand it anymore. I mean we donate to KUHF but they never stop begging for money.

I was thinking about all the places I've lived that I've loved. Which is everywhere. And places I've visited that I've loved. Of course Europe--London and Paris, San Francisco and most of the Bay Area, I really love Utah and the idea of Utah. I love Colorado. I love most of California.

But like our friend Lars said last night, "It's all about the people, right?"

Sure, Lars.

What brought all this on was realizing that none of my favorite memories have anything to do with being in Houston. Some of my favorite memories occurred here, but they could have occurred anywhere. I feel nostalgic for other cities and towns because of the memories I made there, that could only be made there.

Also, my office window overlooks the roof of some administration building for the University of St. Thomas here in Houston. It's an old house that's been converted into office space. Squirrels are constantly playing the roof; you can frequently find me procrastinating by watching these crazy rodents. They are nuts. It's like WWF wrestling up here.

I mention it because I just looked over at the roof, and a squirrel slithered out from between the roof tiles and wooden frame. It was really creepy. Considering the vivid dreams I'm having lately, I will probably dream about a killer squirrel tonight. Oh great.


Meg Ruth said...

I'm sorry you're so unhappy there. It totally blows not to love where you live. How much longer are you there?

Little Lisa said...

At least another year. Jeff is teaching a third year at his school and will apply for grad programs next year.