Sunday, July 31, 2011


Last night, Jeff and I went with some friends to Miller Outdoor Theater. It's a huge, obviously outdoor theater here in Houston that puts on free shows for anyone who wants to come. We've seen the Houston Symphony, Chinese Acrobats, Houston Grand Opera Company, Houston Ballet Company, and countless other shows. Last night we saw Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew." It was a great show. Well staged, well acted, well done overall. But this isn't what I want to write about.

As we headed back to our car, we were followed by a young man and his date, who were engaged in a "deep" conversation about Shakespeare, his time period, and themes from the play. The guy apparently loved to hear himself talk, based on some of his inane comments. Such as this: "Some people argue that the British thought the Italians had a glamorous lifestyle, so that's why all of Shakespeare's plays take place in Italy." Or this gem: "The Taming of the Shrew brings up so many human elements and questions. Like, can people change? Is change possible?"

Yes, we were chuckling at him. (Can you blame us?)

Fast forward 22 hours and I'm thinking about change. How ridiculous that guy's scholarly diatribe was. But mainly how I've changed. The terms I would use to define myself today are wholly different than those I would have used five years ago. Even three years ago. Even one year ago!!!

I hear all the time, from co-workers largely, but also from what little TV I watch, that change isn't possible. "That's just the way I am," people say. Lady Gaga preaches we're "Born This Way" and Ke$ha or whoever sings that dumb song says "We are Who We Are." I don't know how anyone can believe this though, because it's not true.

We are all completely in control of who we are. Some people are dealt worse hands in life than others, but we can effect change in our lives in so many ways.

One of my former CrossFit trainers, who competed this weekend in the CrossFit Games, (and ranked in 28th place--INCREDIBLE results for anyone, let alone a first time Games competitor and for someone who's been CrossFitting for only about 18 months) once said, "If you want something bad enough, you'll do it," or something like that. In my experience, he is 100% right.

I sometimes see inconsistencies in myself, and in others, where we say we want something but put forth no effort to get it. Maybe we're lazy. Maybe we lack the know how. Or maybe we really just don't want it all that much.

I'm not going to list all the ways I've changed on here because I think I talk enough about how much I love CrossFit and eating Paleo in daily life so my blog doesn't need to hear about it too. Just know that I will never buy the excuse "I can't" because what you really mean is "I don't really want to." So own it!

At the end of the day (and the end of this rant), I truly believe we can be anything, any way, and anyone we want to be, if we want it badly enough. We can change ourselves--our bodies, our minds, our spirits--if we want it badly enough.

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!

1 comment:

Mike & Andrea said...

Thanks for the inspiring post- totally agree- changing is what we came to this earth to do!