Wednesday, January 04, 2012

My Mr. T.

I have been home on the couch all day, sick with an upset stomach. It is not as upset anymore, but I still don't feel very well. This is the first time I've even felt ill for a long time, so I suppose I deserve it.

I wanted to write a few memories from Christmas Break before I forget them. They are all about my sweet nephew, 4.9-year-old Mr. T. My missionary memory was a lockbox; now I realize it was simply a blessing given to me at the time. I can hardly recall anything now.

+ Wanting piggie and "shouldie" rides
+ Wanting me to sing "Sloppy Joe's, Slop- Sloppy Joe's" in all different voices (his favorite was the old lady voice)
+ Our Pajama Time song that we made up
+ How he wouldn't eat anything. Not anything, except sometimes chicken nuggets. Until Jeff and I took him for a hamburger at The Habit. He ate almost the whole thing, with loads of ketchup and even lettuce, tomato, and grilled onions he didn't know were there. He did not want to eat the vegetables, but he ate them once we explained how they tasted. He also ate all his applesauce. I was so proud of him.
+ Going to the park with him, just "you and us" as he would say. He was so excited to go somewhere, "just you and us."
+ Taking him to the grocery store twice, Safeway and Trader Joe's. People commented on how cute/good he was.
+ Getting him "Snotty Dogs" at Trader Joe's.
+ doing the United States puzzle with him. He actually knew most of the states.
+ making him snuggle me (he hates snuggling)
+ feeding the ducks with him
+ reading to him (and especially to his little sister, who just turned one! And she is every bit as cute.)

The hard thing about being with such a lovable boy is that I miss him all the more now. The easy thing is that it makes me want kids even more. Is anyone else scared to have a baby/be pregnant? I know I am. (Which is a little ridiculous. I don't feel fear over labor, just over the process of being pregnant).

On another note, is anyone else happy Romney won the Iowa election? Jeff and I are both dumbfounded as to how Santorum has such a presence. You should google "Santorum" and see the results that come up. There are some questionable things.

And another question, who cares about Iowa anyway?!?! (No offense if you're from there. I went to Des Moines once, and it was not very impressive).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am terrified to have kids. Mostly because I don't want them to get hurt ever. My 7 year old niece just broke her leg, and it broke my heart. And when I lived with my other sister/niece, when the niece was a baby babe, she fell off a bed, landed on glass cup of water, and had cuts/blood all over her face. I can't deal with stuff like that.