Thursday, September 13, 2012

The main reason is...

How often do you have those days when you want to run away?

You can't stand cooking one more meal/prepping one more lunch. You're sick of your own face not to mention your entire wardrobe. The thought of sitting at your desk at work all day doing stupid menial tasks because you wasted your shot at a career you love/you're indifferent i.e. lazy makes your skin crawl. You're angry and mad at everyone and everything. The house is messy...again. Dishes are in the sink...again. Laundry hampers are full...again?! And don't forget you sliced your finger open with the kitchen shears a few days ago and your finger is still bleeding, and you hit your head on the one chair you have in your family room when you were sitting on the floor because you had a genius idea to get rid of all your furniture, and just this morning you burned your hand on your curl stick you don't use too often but you just wanted to look nice for one stinking day DARN IT!, and everyone around you is useless. Just useless!

The main reason why I am so scared to be a mother is because I have these days, well, too often. And I'm sick to my stomach at the thought of feeling this way toward my kids.

Tell me how you deal while I sit here listening to the new Guided By Voices album which is pretty good so far.


Rheanna said...

I'm not going to lie, you still totally have days like that when you have kids. I have them frequently too! I think you have to find time to do something you love and enjoy, something just for you at least once a week if not everyday. Yeah life never turns out quite how we expect it to, but that doesn't mean there isn't beauty in the life we have. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it. Hang in there hun, I know how ya feel. Also(and I would punch someone in the face for saying this to me when I'm feeling down so sorry) you just need to kick yourself in the butt and get over it. Go treat yourself to something nice. That usually helps too :)

Liz Lambson said...

When I cry L gets really close and starts laughing in my face. That helps me get over myself.

Mothering is definitely exhausting and taxing at times, but made so worth it by little smiles and miracles and INTENSE love and joy in/around/because of your children. Those happy moments go a long way. Night after night I thank God for the blessing of having my family with me.

Liz Lambson said...

Oh. And on those kinds of days I usually find a sitter and go eat high-calorie food stat.

Kate said...

Oh boy, I know what you mean. But honestly, being a mom makes life so much better. There are so many more reasons to smile, laugh, and be happy. Sure, I still have really tough days, but on those days I just take a nap, eat chocolate, and read a good book. It all works out.

Jana said...

It's Houston!!! Almost every day feels that way when you live in H-Town. (maybe, maybe not) But, having the kids even makes living in a miserably hot and ugly city super great. Being a mother is the hardest job I've ever had and the best job I'll ever have. Also, at least while the kids are little, they think their mommy is beautiful even on the super ugly days. It's pretty great.

LJ said...

I have those mom days and I call them my "Hulk Mom" days. It can't be helped. Bedtime is awesome, and also Adam coming home to swap out my shift. Husbands are an incredible life-saver.