Thursday, November 14, 2013

fish out of water

Almost three weeks ago now, I was asked to serve as our stake's Girls Camp Director. I said yes. I said yes?! What am I thinking? I went to Girls Camp twice, once for three days and once overnight. I will never forget my first camp meeting. Because the leaders switched what determined one's level, they told me my first year that I was actually supposed to be a second year. Over to the second years I went. Those girls were not nice. I received a few dirty looks and a few mean remarks and then told the leader, "I do not want to be a second year." Let me sum up my entire five days at girls camp by saying I didn't like it. I didn't feel comfortable. I didn't want to be there. A girl from my ward spat up her soup all over me at dinner. If I ever hear that elbows on the table song again, I swear I'm gonna.....

I get a do-over! This is definitely one of those callings where I don't feel like my skill set qualifies me very well. I don't craft, I don't camp, I don't feel comfortable in church leadership positions. But, I do love. I love my sisters, I love the Savior, I love His gospel. "Now remember, faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify [her] for the work." (D&C 4:5). These are the prerequisites for any calling in His kingdom.

I don't have a theme just yet, but I'm getting there. All I know is that this is going to be the coolest looking girls camp ever. We're going all out with hip graphics and well-fitting t-shirts.

If you have any memories of girls camp (favorite activities, horror stories, advice), please, send it along!

(Also, I'm going to see Polica tonight! Yay!)

1 comment:

Jana said...

How is the girls camp planning going? Better you than me, although I did enjoy girls camp up until I moved from WA to GA at the age of 16.