Thursday, November 21, 2013

rant on motherhood

I see more and more often on the internet divergent points of view on stay at home moms and working moms and why one is better than the other, and I tell you what -- I'm sick of it.

Why aren't we praising mothers for being mothers? Why do people feel the need to praise being either a stay at home mother or a working mother? Why don't we all support each other in the great magical role of being a mother? A woman is a mother whether or not she works a job in addition to working in her home raising her kids. She's still mother to her children with all the validity a stay at home mother has. Both are working women who have made well-thought out sacrifices to become mothers and to spend their days where they do, and both are mothers. We, especially us women, need to quit defining types of mothers as if one is worth more than the other. Just the word 'mother' alone should say it all.

End rant.

1 comment:

Jana said...

true dat. Bottom's hard work being a mom, no matter how you slice it. Great post. Women are so competitive.