Sunday, September 26, 2004

midnight train to georgia

actually utah, and i'm taking a train. that size was too big so i switched. i'm in cali right now. becky, the older sis, got married yesterday. it was really great. the reception was in our woodland backyard. tony's jazz combo played and they rocked. i sang summertime and lullaby of birdland with them. john was there and he told me he was awakened to the treasure in my throat. that is one of the biggest compliments i've ever received in my life. thanks jack passion.

so utah has been good. my classes are really happenin. international relations--i read the NYTimes everyday. then in history of creativity, well this class is just the bomb dot com because we learn about different cultures and inventions and how societies develop. then there's french. my teacher is hott--he looks like david bowie. of course there's new testament which is pretty good. i'm forgetting one. two! jazz lessons which are amazing. learning a new singing style is interesting and passion-infusing. heh heh. last but not least is my favorite class--printmaking. it's my new meaning for living.

also--regan got his mission call to puerto rico, and carl got his call to milan, italy. i am very proud of you boys!

now, my philosophical thought for the day. celeste and i were talking the other day about war, and especially iran. i finally realized why we have to have this war in iraq (which relates to iran because they are almost in war too), and that's because the people needed help and unfortunately, there are only two ways to give it to them. the first is letting them fade as a society with a tyrannical ruler, a la saddam hussein. so the people die under a horrible ruler. or we, the US, can come in and offer our support throught military action. sadly, people die with this course of action as well, and we don't see many short term results.

you see people, peace is a process. and as with many things, peace covers a wide spectrum, peace at one end and war at the opposite end. therefore, in order to achieve peace, one must have war.

maybe it's not this simple, but my conversation with celeste really opened my eyes and heart and helped me understand why we have 1,000 soldiers dead in iraq right now...

much love,

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