Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heavy metal machines

I went to a seminar with my dad last night. One of the foremost researchers on metal poisoning spoke. Basically, don't put any metal into your body, EVER! There is some evidence that metal (amalgams, or fillings, especially) can cause breast cancer. Metals also cause autoimmune diseases. I met a lady last night who had full-blown multiple sclerosis and was near death. This researcher lady, Vera, met with her, "demetaled" her, and her MS went away.

One of the most shocking things to me was the presence of titanium in so much of what we eat. Titanium is known to cause depression, and guess what's in anti-depressants? Titanium dixoide! It's also in many of our toothpastes, shampoos, makeup, even high fructose corn syrup! Don't even get me started on mercury and its presence in so much of what we eat.

I am thinking of a Masters in Social Work. Maybe.

I should have a cell phone today, but no promises. I do promise, however, that I love you!


Starman said...

I have read enough comic books to know that we'd all be better off with MORE titanium in our bodies. Just a little is not that harmful... a medium amount will poison you... a massive amount will turn you into wolverine. So, if titanium is making you sick you either need to have none of it or a lot more of it and you'll be fine.

A and O said...

Did I tell you I got a whole bunch of metal implanted in my body?
I got nine screws and a plate installed when I busted my leg.

What does this mean for my future?

I'm thinking I should just go with the wolverine route, I may already be halfway there.

A and O said...

Shoot me a text when you get your new cell!