Sunday, November 29, 2009


Rarely have I felt so normal.

When I started my mission, I struggled to find what was normal for me. I discovered that my worldly definitions of myself--my clothes, my music, my interests--were useless as a missionary. Suddenly I was stripped of everything familiar. Everything me. I based my identity in the base things of the world, things that have no value if they are gone.

I grew a lot. I learned who I am spiritually. I became me, who I truly am.

Ironically, I am experiencing something similar to what I did as a greenie. I am stripped of 24/7 spiritual saturation. Before I struggled to know myself without those comfortable worldly influences; now I'm struggling to define myself by those former companions. Do I really like vinyl? Yes. Does this outfit look okay? Why not. Do I care? No.

I can't even write worth a darn anymore. I don't care about that either.

Every RM goes through this identity crisis. Tips are appreciated.

1 comment:

Jim/Blog said...

for a second I was worried that the answer to "do I like vinyl" was going to be "no."

I have no tips though. all I can say is that within a year after my mission I was astounded at how dorky everything that I did right after I got back was. Then again, I'm sure you were never as much of a dork as I was, so you're probably safe.