Sunday, January 03, 2010

Loved ones gather at day's end.

I am packing up my life. My former life anyway.

As my final act as a California resident, I am going through my mission boxes, again, and purging my collection. I haven't done it since I've been home.

By now the initial pain and shock of not being a missionary is wearing off. It has worn off, mostly. But looking at all this memorabilia brings it right back. My many journals. Pictures the kids drew me, notes from investigators and members, recipes from my sisters I reacquainted with along the way. My cookbook from Mrs. Yoder, the Mennonite mother I met at Shriner's hospital, who was there with her daughter Rhoda. I loved Rhoda. She was eight at the time. Tiny thing, in Shriner's because one of her legs was longer than the other. She said to me, "Someday you must come to my farm and meet all my cows, chicken, sheep, goats, turkeys and horses. And my brothers." I told her I wanted to, very much. But she was out of the mission, so I couldn't.

I really miss being a missionary, and few things I have done since I've been home have paralleled even one iota in importance. Please forgive me for writing about this again and again. I do not vocalize how much I miss it. If I do, I cry. A lot. I look at my tags and I cry. I think of the people I taught, who were baptized, who struggle to stay active, and I cry. I know it's their choice, but I am sad for them still, especially when I think of what they went through to be baptized.

I think about serving again in the future, with my eternal companion. And I am very, very happy to think about this.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is where we find Christ's pure gospel. I love Him so very much.


andrea said...

Oh gosh I love you so much. Your blog is inspiring. It makes me think about my own mission and how it changed my life. I have been thinking about you a lot lately... I want to call you but I lost your number! Can you send it to me?? LOVE YOU.

Unknown said...

i sometimes pull out notes from my spanish scriptures and get way teary-eyed remembering so many beautiful things.