Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The weight of the world

I've returned from a successful trip to Houston. It was a great time and I will never forget it. Highlights include: Brazos Bend State Park (where we saw real alligators!), Half Price Books, Houston Temple, Good Company Texas barbeque, warm weather, Gulf of Mexico/the beach, "Slumdog Millionaire," seeing St. John's School AKA Rushmore Academy, realizing Houston is a really cool city, and kickin' it with Jeff, one of my dearest friends.

I'm afraid, however, that my post-mission honeymoon is over. As I've faced an afternoon of job searching today, I have felt a consuming feeling of urgency. A do-or-die ultimatum Darwin himself couldn't handle.

People: I NEED A JOB. And I will not rest until that paycheck is made out to me.

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