Friday, June 01, 2012

Adult and what it feels like

Being an adult is a big deal. Suddenly things that never felt right before just start feeling right. Like buying a house. Jeff and I are in the process of finding a condo to buy. Buying a condo. Still feels weird to say. The one we like has a 2-car garage, which both of us will love. We will save at least $4 a week since we won't have to wash the obscene amounts of bird diarrhea of our cars. SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE THESE BIRDS EATING? I got a Kindle touch a few weeks ago and I had no clue how much more fun reading would be with a Kindle. Since I got it, I've read four books and I'm almost 3/4 of the way through 'Wuthering Heights.' I am glad to be reading again, and making reading a priority. I write more when I read, and writing is something I love, when I am actually writing. I have said often on here that I feel I have nothing to say, but perhaps I have nothing to say because I am not putting new ideas into my head. My life is fairly mundane, very structured, but I enjoy it. I am not engaged in enough creative pursuits. Reading will help that. I ran across this quote today and it feels very true. "In my professional experience, a good sex life is directly tied into emotional connectedness...The idea of two people changing together and—more importantly— accepting each others changes over a 50-year span is delusional unless that person is undeniably your best friend in the whole world. Ever." -Ask a Therapist I believe strongly I am married to my best friend in the whole world. Ever. We have our struggles (or rather I do), but I know Jeff loves me without judgment, without fear, and without worry. He is my favorite person to be with. Ever. In my last post I mentioned we are going to New York, which we still are, but now Grandma has broken her hip and she--the whole reason for the trip--will be in a St. Louis hospital instead of New York come mid-June. We find ourselves with a few extra days to fill in. What should we do? (Remember--we will be upstate, not in NYC). Jeff and I did 'Murph' on Monday and it really wore me out. I also hurt my right knee very badly. I can't pinpoint exactly what I did, but imagine a sharp shooting pain in your knee cap that radiates down your shins to the tips of your toes and up your thigh to your hip. It was better by Thursday morning, so I went and worked out again. Big mistake. Heavy farmers carry, I decided to run because my knee was feeling great, and wham-o. I couldn't bend my leg or stand without excruciating pain for the rest of the day. I took a white trash vicodin (two Advil chased by two Tylenol) and within an hour the pain had subsided to a noticeable but much more mild throb. Today it feels much better. I can bend and lift the leg freely, with only slight discomfort. I'll rest through the weekend and hopefully be better by Monday.


Liz Lambson said...

I completely agree with you about the reading and writing connection. I always write more when I'm regularly reading decent lit. Or when I'm mad.

Jana said...

Yay for the two car garage!