Friday, June 21, 2013

But really, what's in a name?

Isn't it strange how certain songs on certain days can transport your mind and heart back to certain times and people and places and feelings? Part of me likes it. Most of me doesn't.

I don't like feeling emotions spring up spontaneously. I've been struggling with that lately, especially with judging. Negative emotions keep swelling inside me over particular things I see other people do. I won't get into particulars unless you want to hear about it. I don't like it. I am working through it.

The gospel is alive and well here in Houston. Our ward is really, really great. Many people in our ward are wealthy, very wealthy. And there are many young couples, just starting out like Jeff and I. There are many single members, and many members who are not as well off financially. I see how the ward bands together. I'm sure not everyone sees it this way, but I do. Perhaps I see this because I have an easy time getting along with everyone in the ward, old and young. I am sad to admit that I feel uncomfortable befriending one certain type of person, mostly because I feel a lack of interest on their part. Do you feel that ever? Perhaps I am intimidated by these people, by their looks. I'm not sure what it is yet. Can one look at a person and know they have nothing in common? Or is that a completely immature way to think? I am striving to serve unconditionally, be kind unconditionally. I am doing okay with it...for the most part. Nothing annoys me more than knowing someone, meeting them once or twice, and then they never talk to me again despite seeing me at church each Sunday. It is so rude. I try to avoid these people. I also try to not be that person. It always makes me feel sad when someone does that to me. We should just love everyone. At one point, just a few months ago, my ward had five Lisa's in it. Sadly, two moved away so we are down to three. I am good friends with all the other Lisa's. I miss the Lisa's who moved away. Lisa is such a funny name.

Do you feel like you personify your name? I have no idea if I do, I suppose because I don't identify myself by my name so much as I do my likes, interests, my core beliefs, my character. Lisa is just something other people call me. Whether I personify my name or not, I have acquaintances and friends who I feel most definitely personify their names. I suppose I might personify mine too, if I'm using my perception of others as a barometer.

Yesterday I went to our local LDS peanut butter cannery and screwed lids, assembled boxes, packed boxes, loaded boxes onto pallets, wiped down jars, etc., for 6 hours. It was so fun. I felt so happy. I am happy a lot these days. Not that I've been sad. I've been happy. Maybe it's just summertime. It is really hot in Houston, but I like that, even though I complain about it all the time.

I am happy when I take care of my body. I am happy when I sleep for 8+ hours, when I work out, when I eat healthy foods. I need to take better care of my spirit. I'm making more of an effort to pray always. It's amazing what that constant line of communication can do to better one's day. I feel grounded, more temperate, calmer, more satisfied. I deeply appreciate my loving Father in Heaven.

Lastly, I would really like to go to a cool place this weekend and go hiking with my Jeff.


Liz Lambson said...

I love all this posting going on. Keep going! More! More!

Kimber said...

I've found that I often put way too much stock in my first impressions. Some of my favorite people have been those I initially wrote off as "not my type."