Saturday, March 27, 2004

Softly As I Leave You

Do you still think about me? Do you still wonder how I'm doing? Do you still want to be friends? Do you still care? Do you still hurt? Do you still remember how happy we were? Do you ever get the urge to call me or email me or IM me? Do you still remember my name?

I just got really sad after reading something. Junior Senior "Shake Your Coconuts" makes it happier though. Forced.

Martin. Martin is a Latin guy from Montevideo who called me four times today, called me three times yesterday and texted me twice, and so on and so on. Point being: he's rather in love with me. Sadly for him, I haven't the slightest interest in being anything more than friends with him, but I'm so upset right now I can see myself hooking up with him tonight and waking up sick to my stomach about it tomorrow. Anyway, I met him clubbing last Saturday night, and we're going clubbing again tonight and he wants me to call him and tell him where we'll be. Look Martin, I don't like you like that, okay? I get sick to my stomach thinking about calling you. This is so awful. I just want to be friends. Of course, you're not reading any of this, but really I just can't stand it. I'll keep all y'all updated though. Tonight will be interesting because Nelson's going too. Nelson = babe.

25 days. Still scared. Worried. Anxious. I love my peeps out in Cali tho...this is fo shizz.

Cameron, Forest, Nick--you say you'll come visit. I hope so. I want to show you everything and you can meet all my pals and I'll show you my favorite and most special spots that I've never shown anyone before, not even my loves. Now that's saying something.

Tyler. I'm seeing N.E.R.D. and Black-Eyed Peas with him next Saturday. I'm excited. N.E.R.D. and Tyler, all one night. Whoa. I don't know what to say about it except that we're going to have fun and I have to leave here in 25 days anyway so I don't quite see the point. He called me twice today (woke me up twice too, but that's my own fault for staying in bed all day). Yesterday we huddled under my umbrella together as we walked across campus. He said my jacket was hot (totally was too) and that I smell good (Chance By Chanel, the best perfume in the world no doubt). Pretty sure he likes me, but like I said we're staying chill about things and letting them happen naturally which is how it's worked for me in the past. rained all day yesterday, and I loved it. I went shopping in Park City and bought some fly sunglasses, Levis, and Vans. 30 dollars spent total on the three items. Chris Rains says, "I just don't know how you do it Lisa. I can't be seen with you anymore because I look so stupid next to your insane fashion sense." Hey man, iono how I do it either but I love you you can still be seen with me, word bro?

Right now--going to a show. Three of the bands are my friend's bands. Later--clubbing. Wish me luck with Martin prease.

xoxo Lisa

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