Saturday, March 06, 2004

Haphazard Joy

I almost forgot I had this thing--it's been awhile. These past few weeks have been weird. Okay so not really. I've been weird. I don't even know what to talk about...

Things with Tyler are fine. Neither of us have made a definite move yet, which is frustrating, but judging by past experience waiting for the right time and just letting things flow is a good way to go.

Eddie...I don't know why he affects me so much. We (me, Forest, Andrea) saw him after Book of Mormon Wednesday night and he completely ignored me. It was a trip. And I was already in a weird mood and I hadn't cried in like two weeks. Andrea split to the library with Eddie, Forest and I walked home and we talked and I cried. He knew it wasn't Eddie that was bothering me. Eddie frustrates me, but I don't cry over Eddie. "Lisa, that's not it." "Well then I don't know what is, Forest. I don't know what's wrong." "Lisa, maybe it's that you're getting over someone you loved more than anything and now it's like it never even happened and you have no one to love now. Maybe that's it." And that's a big part of it. It's true. Sometimes friends just don't cut it, as much as I love them.

And then there's Carlos...but he's another story altogether.

I saw Sage Francis Thursday and talked to him for awhile as he was standing right next to me for one of his openers (Grand Buffet--hiohop's Tenacious D). "Hey, you're playing Coachella, right?" I asked him. "Yeah..are you?" Haha Sage Francis asked me if I was playing Coachella. Talk about the highlight of my night. So we talked about all the bad venues in Salt Lake, how he would never play there again because no venue has good sound, and we talked about his show at Slim's in SF and how it rocked because their soundsystem is just that good.

To be honest, I don't really feel like writing in this now. I have a lot to say but I just don't feel like saying it. It's 3:30 pm, I've been up for two hours, I'm still tired, I need to shower, my room's a mess, and I could care less about it all. Ima lay in bed for awhile. Peace.

xoxo lisa.

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