Monday, March 15, 2004

Someone Saved My Life Tonight

Weird night last night. Ended up being fun though...played FOUR SQUARE!!! So crazy. Mmk i dont wanna talk about that, it's kinda boring.

so tonight i met my friend marel's "cousin" colin, who served his mission for the LDS church (my church/Mormon church) in France with Tyler. turns out tyler really did get herpes on his mission, AND his nickname was "Fire Crotch Nelson." HA! So funny. It's ironic how i keep meeting these peeps who know tyler...kinda freaky.

anyway. this week is going to be academic hell. two french tests (oral and written) and two physics test (first try and second). what the junk?! plus a HEPE quiz, HEPE activity log, STG paper, etc etc etc etc etc. AHHHHHHH!!! And i need to find some chump to help me take my sister to the airport thursday morning since i can't drive stick worth crap....what a flipping joke.

word baby. it's 12 midnight and i haven't started my hw. this is pathetic. PATHETIC.

I feel pathetic because it still hurts like hell sometimes and there's nothing i can do about it but cry a little and shake it off until the next time i remember. i'm getting sick of this.

i have a lot of homework now. baptiste stop doing this to me.

xoxo lisa.

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