Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's time for a revolution.

My mom's dog is the stupidest dog ever to walk the face of the earth. Her name is Phoebe. She's a one-and-a-half-year-old black and tan mini dachshund. She likes chewing on things. Bones, dehydrated bull testicles (her favorite), green bones shaped like toothbrushes. My shoes. My stuffed animals (granted, their purpose is only to deal me a dose of nostalgia). My brother's video game controllers and memory cards. Phoebe is mostly stupid because she pees in the house, even after she's just gone to the bathroom outside. She will only pee on green rugs and green grass. She just pooed in the hallway that leads to my bedroom. My mom won't yell at her, but I will, so now Phoebe runs under my bed where I can't reach her every time she does something wrong. I seriously hate this dog. She is 11.14 pounds of mischief and loathing.

Home is good. Tonight I attended a Relief Society recipe night with my dear mother, who serves as RS president. Most people I talked to were astounded by a) how great my hair looks, b) how great I look, and c) with the fact I am not engaged, not married, not dating anyone, and no closer or further away from serving a mission than I was the last time they talked to me. So what if people my age from my home ward are engaged? So what if girls who are younger than I am are "beating me" in serving missions? (Granted, this comment was made by the mentally-ill woman in my home ward. I slyly retorted, "Well, I didn't know I was in a race with them, so they're not really beating me.") The pressures of 20-something Mormon culture never cease to disgust me. I don't know why the lot of us "rebels" haven't started a revolution.

(For the record, I've always found my home ward brothers and sisters to be very fair, understanding, and altogether supportive of my chosen path. Tonight was a rare occurrence as I was surrounded by a handful of women I did not know, and now don't care to know any better).

Alas, home has been very nice. A cool high-70s/low-80s, sunshine, Guitar Heroes 1, 2, and '80s, Kevin's copy of Moonshadow. Not to mention my dear mother spoils me rotten.

My favorite times have been riding in the car with my brother Michael. Windows down, radio blasting Dio's "Holy Diver." I also enjoyed my walk with Katie and the dogs last night. I saw Ryan running on the trail. Ryan my ex who I saw in New York a few weeks ago. Then today I saw Sloan. Sloan my first love. I randomly see him every time I come home. It's odd.

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