Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deja vu (minus the frilly accents).

It just dawned on me that I am really old. (Of course, this fact dawns on me once every four months or so). I know this because I constantly think about the future. I think about opening an IRA, a 401K. I think about insurance benefits and nutrition. I take a daily multi-vitamin. I prefer staying home more than going out. I decorate my room in my head, and then redecorate it. I bookmark the furniture I want to buy. I consider a commute to work a fact of life instead of a hardship. My Christmas list is composed of practical, useful things that I would otherwise buy myself. I like my parents; moreover, they are my best friends. Luckily I haven't broached the subject of lawn integrity. This would send me over the edge, from my 20s to 30s, faster than the starship Enterprise transporter.

I have a hitting problem. Mainly, I hit Alex because he tickles me all the time. I try to explain to him that if he stops tickling me, I will stop hitting him. So far he hasn't stopped tickling me (I am disastrously ticklish), so I am trying the reverse order.

I like reading my own blog. I was reading some of my July 2007 entries just now, and I am fascinated. I'd forgotten so many things about New York. I'm so glad I wrote them down.

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