Monday, November 12, 2007

Go on eating your dinner.

Today I got the hiccups while I was helping in Mrs. Parker's class. One of the students I work with tried to scare them out of me. It didn't work. He pounced from the side so I caught his entire attempt in my peripheral. Alas, my hiccups ensued. But Dante. Dante was sneaky. He crept away from our table on the premise that Mrs. Parker wanted to talk to him. I sat there, casually helping the others, when Dante pounced on my back like a lynx. I turned to look at Dante (now rolling on the floor laughing) in a haze, not knowing whether to be horribly upset or in a complete fit of laughter. Mrs. Parker was in hysterics. She'd been watching the whole thing, and she thought it was genius.

Sure enough, he scared the hiccups out of me.

I used apples during math class earlier in the day to teach the kids halves, fourths and eighths. Luckily Thomas was absent, so we each got a whole apple to ourselves, and luckily, Gabi wanted the Granny Smith, Chalise wanted the red apple, and I wanted the yellow one. We all traded one slice with each other so we could try each apple. Boy, did the girls delight at the way my face prunes up when eating a Granny Smith! (If you didn't know, my face massively prunes up when I eat Granny Smith apples). They giggled 'til the cows came home. We have too much fun. I will probably get fired for having too much fun.

I am watching Hotel Rwanda (strike that--sobbing through Hotel Rwanda), and it's scaring the crap out of me. Probably because the US has broken into civil war before, and I wouldn't put it past us to do it again. Probably because the US can profess to be peace-keepers and peace-makers and lovers of humankind until the end of the earth, but until we stop provoking and start preventing and protecting, I will never believe it.

1 comment:

MegRuth said...

someone tried to scare the hiccups out of me recently, i don't remember who. in the end they got a punch in the arm and i got the wind knocked out of me by fear and hiccups for another couple hours...

p.s. i will never watch that movie again. it was too frustrating and painful. but beautiful none the less