Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stonecutters made them from stones.

With my newfound boredom, I've decided to finally start an internal cleansing system. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, but I never found a program I really thought I could do. Finally I found the Master Cleanse.

Today is day one. Last night I drank a nice herbal laxative tea before hitting the sack, and first thing this morning I drank a full quart (32 oz) of water with sea salt. This concoction acts as a colonic. I never want to drink that much salt water in one sitting again. I feel so sick. Apparently, the sickness I am feeling is because I'm releasing toxins in my body. In a little bit, I start drinking 6 to 12 ten-ounce glasses of a lemon/maple syrup mixture. I will spare the you the unpleasant details of what's been happening in my bowels this morning. Ask me how I am in three days. I figure if I can make it until Sunday, I will be clean enough.

I was a lazy bum today and slept until 10:30. I didn't even wake up before that. I just kept sleeping and sleeping. Unfortunately, I also missed two substitute teaching jobs. Starting tomorrow, I awake at 6:30 am. Time to get in gear.


LJ said...

That's totally grody. My friend did that once on straight apple juice, and she was sick as a dog. I admit I don't take much stock in this method.

Britt said...

I must recommend again the Colonix program: It's a tea, fiber, and some debugging pills, and is entirely pleasant. You honestly will feel like a million bucks, so it's worth their price. Also, the high concentration of sugar maple syrup just constipates instead of clean, so you might want to exclude that from your lemon drink.

Hope that didn't sound preachy; Colonix is just a dream clean.

Good luck!

MegRuth said...

I did this for 3 days. I started having heart palpitations and decided I should stop. Make sure you know when your body has had enough. I wish I could have done the full 10 days. Oh well!

Luke: "I still think it's a bunch of hogwash"