Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Past Life Revisited, Or, Things I've Learned in the 8 Hours I've Been Home

Intro: Katie and I pulled a Home Alone 2 today, running through SLC International to arrive at our gate with a freshly debarked plane awaiting us. We made it on through an act of Angels. Bags checked at 2 pm, sprint through security, at the gate by 2:15, the time our flight was scheduled to take off.

1. My mother still threatens my life every time I ride in the car with her. Her four-accident-per-year average is no accident. (Punny!)
2. My dad still thinks he knows what's best for me.
3. Politics is a subject I must still avoid when it comes to convos with the parentals.
4. My parents, despite their political closed-mindedness, are slowly branching out into hip foods, i.e. sushi, French cheese, quality breads, and prosciutto. Thank you, Costco taste-testers.
5. My dogs love me just as much as I thought they did.
6. The Bay Area is still my home. I still weep at the sight of it. My parents' home is still my anchor. I may not be the same person I was when I moved out of this place, but coming back here still grounds me like nothing else.
7. Although the idea to move back home is tempting, it's not what I want. It's not who I am.
8. I don't hate Utah, but I do miss living in a place where I can anonymously be Mormon. Meaning, I can live in a place where people don't assume I'm Mormon just because most other people are.
9. I miss sharing the gospel. I miss serving the Lord, acting as an instrument in His hands in spreading His truth. Did you know a replica of the first edition of the Book of Mormon is now sold in Costco? Did you know a book by a former FLDS church member/polygamist's wife is being sold only a few pallets away from our sacred scriptures? I am increasingly convinced of the divine calling my generation has to stand up for truth, to speak out against naysayers and live our lives in a Christ-like way. We have an obligation to dispel rumors that harm our Lord's name and His gospel's reputation. I forgot this these past few months being back in Utah. I mustn't forget it again.
10. My circadian rhythm has never left Pacific time.
11. I am more like my dad than I think.
12. I am less like my dad than I think.
13. My mom still makes better Christmas sweets than your mom does.
14. My mom is a near saint. She epitomizes love and service. She is of faith, of intelligence, of beauty and testimony. I want to be like her.
15. Grandma and Papa are gone, Robert's on a mission, Branky's in Vegas, and Jack and Diane are back east. This means our Christmas Eve dinner is down to the five Ruefenachts. Luckily my parents had the foresight a few years ago to include the Stevens (half of the legendary Stevenachts coupling). My dad invited some of his single, elderly patients, and my mom invited people from the ward, plus the missionaries. All in all, family is what you make it. Family is just as much bond as it is blood. Family is love.

And on that note, I must retire to bed so I can hit the stores early tomorrow!

Much love to you all, sincerely and truthfully.

1 comment:

LJ said...

I love you. Thanks for sharing that.