Sunday, November 29, 2009

I climb trees too.

I would also like to say that tomorrow I am giving my homecoming talk. How does one possibly sum up the most amazing time of his or her life in 20 minutes? It has been only 3.5 weeks, but it already feels like 3.5 years. Or like it never happened. Or like tomorrow I'm going back to St. Louis.

I don't know.

Remember that time we went to the McCords to help them pick cherries off their cherry tree? It was May. Sister Anderson shimmied down those branches like a ninja. I didn't know she could move like that.

I got sick off eating all those cherries.

1 comment:

Starman said...

I love eating cherries until you are sick, but only when you pick them yourself. Its really fun when its not your tree and if you get caught, you'll be in big trouble.