Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I am often forgetful.

Now I'm getting down to the nitty gritty.

One of my favorite things when I come home is how my dad wakes me up sometimes. He doesn't do it so much now that I'm older and keep a regular schedule. I mean come on, I said in my first entry for today that I woke up at 7:15. What parent would complain with that?

But this morning my dad had to leave pretty early to get to Oroville. I don't know how far away it is, but it's far enough that he had to leave before the sun was up. So he came into my room right before he left and woke me up gently with a few pats on the shoulder as he always used to do, and said goodbye. It always hurts saying goodbye to my dad.

I sat up halfway and gave him a big hug. Somehow my mom found his most favorite cologne online, a scent so atrocious it had been discontinued by most stores. Thank you, Amazon. So I sat up and hugged him, his Realm scent accosting my nostrils.

But my favorite part is after he's left. He's always just barely sprayed on his Realm, so in the process of our hug some of it jumps over to my neck from his neck. And then I can still smell him after he's left.

My dad used to do this same thing every morning when I was little, and I used to like it because I got to carry around a little bit of my dad every day, even though he was off drilling people's teeth and I was at school doing stuffs.

1 comment:

LJ said...

This is beautiful. Thank you.