Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Special things a-brewin'.

There are few nights when I feel like listening to Elliott Smith, mostly because I think his music is depressing, but tonight is the perfect night. I'm not sad or anything. He just fits. It's comfortable.

I've been home the past week shopping for mission clothes. Here is my outfit that I will only wear when I'm around my mission president.

Last week I went through the temple. I really loved it! What a cool place. I am going again tomorrow with my mom and her Relief Society. Here I am with my mom and my sister. Guess which is which!

Okay, I'm giving it away. Here is me with my mom and dad, who I love so very very much! They are the absolute most.

I had no clue how much planning and preparation my mission wardrobe would take. It has taken us longer than expected to organize and purchase everything. I got here last Tuesday and I was supposed to go home last night, but we still weren't done so I changed my flight.

My mom and I have been shopping non-stop since Thursday morning, excluding Sunday. I HATE shopping in the first place, so this weekend has been a nightmare. Like I said in an earlier post, it's been like "What Not To Wear" gone bad! Today my mom, the ultimate shopper, said, "I didn't think I could ever get burned out on shopping, but I'm about to reach my limit!" I couldn't believe she said it. Her favorite pastime is shopping! Some of my earliest memories consist of shopping in the very shopping center we shopped in! But one can only buy so much before consumerism is a curse.

All in all, I feel really good with my purchases. I don't think I would wear any of the skirts outside of a mission, but they're still cute, cut in flattering, feminine styles with nice fabrics. Luckily Banana Republic saved me on blouses, so I have a bunch of nice shirts in really rich colors. (I have always liked rich colors. One time during my amazing year living with Capree, she said, "I really like wearing rich colors." "Do I wear rich colors?" I said. "Yeah, duh!" she replied. "You're wearing purple and yellow right now, none of that stupid faded crap." And I still dislike stupid faded crap. Give me primary colors!)

Guess where I found the bulk of my clothes? Sears! My mom has raised me on Nordstrom, Gap, Macy's, etc., so I have never even been in a Sears before except with my dad for the power tools section, but I just had a good feeling about Sears. We went and found so much cute stuff! I got this really great linen suit, perfect for the summertime (but not perfect for my ironing pet peeve). Even my mom got a skirt! It was a great experience for us all.

If you know me in real life (Google Analytics tells me some of you probably don't, but that's okay), you know I LOVE red shoes. They really define me and my fashion sense. Luckily, Ecco makes a delightful pair of red, patent leather mary janes, that are stylish AND practical! Of course I HAD to have them!

Here they are!
I love them so much.

My mom and I have had a blast hypothesizing the things ward members will say about them. "Have you seen the sister missionary with the red shoes?" "Hey, Dorothy!" "Where's Toto, Sister Ruefenacht?" But basically I am in heaven, and so are my feet. To quote Elliott Smith, "Dontcha know that I love you?" Yes, red shoes, you should.

And with that I retire. Goodnight and love to you all.


Britt said...

You look great! I like that first picture, with the picture behind you of a solemn boy all dressed-up as well. Glad you had success!

Now come back?

Capree said...

You're going to be the best dressed missionary ever! I really like those red MJ's. Nice!

Unknown said...

those are so perfect! (the red shoes--every girl's got to have a pair. especially sister missionaries. i think it says that somewhere in your manual...)

Christina Kim Homer said...

Oh man, you are in like full on missionary mode.