Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh-oh-oh, the sweetest thing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life would be pretty bad without Jeff Buckley. He is all I want and all I need.

Today I thought, "I should call Dave and see if he wants to go for a walk or a bike ride. I haven't spent quality time with him in awhile. Wait. I don't think Dave rides bikes." And then I imagined Dave on a bike and it seemed awkward to me, so I didn't call him.

A few hours later, I found myself riding my bike down the Provo River Trail, my bum sore from my ride the day before. I soon came upon a couple walking along. The man was in a green shirt, much like Dave's. Hey, that's just like Dave's shirt, I thought. Then I got closer and said, Hey, the back of that head looks like the back of Dave's head, only with a haircut. Then I said, "On your left," and the guy freaked out just like Dave. Then the guy stopped and the girl stopped and then I stopped because it actually WAS Dave!

Tonight Tess and I went to FHE for the first time in ages. It was at Brother Miller's. Brother Miller and his family are the absolute best and I really hope I can be just like them someday. Brother Miller teaches a Japanese Lit. class at BYU about Haruki Murakami. Yes--THE Murakami. One day in church we had a brief discussion about "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle." I'd just finished reading it and was completely thrown. He didn't have much to say though, other than, "Yes. It's a very weird book."

Their kids invented this spin the bottle game where you have to kiss the person the bottle lands on, so we played that at FHE. Okay, JK! Not even funny. They did invent a spin the bottle game, but not that one. They spin the bottle, and then whoever it lands on picks a topic out of a little basket. I picked "Annoying Little Kid," so I proceeded to tell a story about how annoying I was as a child, how I always broke stuff and made up songs to taunt my siblings. I still make up songs, but luckily they're not to taunt anyone. Tonight my friend Annie and I did my taxes, and I made up this song: "Giving money to the man is no fun/I hope my taxes are almost done." That's as far as I got before the Accounting Lab populace turned to look at me for doing something non-left brained.

Anyway, it's 10:36--past this missionary's bed time! I LOVE YOU (as long as I know you in person).


Starman said...

I ride bikes.

Meg Ruth said...

I love you too.