Tuesday, November 04, 2003


So I just wrote this to Britt but I'm going to say it again. when i read the lyrics to "stand inside your love" i wonder who billy was in love with when he wrote that song, where the emotion behind it came from. because that's some strong stuff you know. it came from deep within his sorry lonely heart, it came from a yearning to be loved as much as he loves. But billy, forget your longing. i love you.
okay that was freaky.
but tonight was fun because i went on a "random spontaneous outing" to savers with britt, dave and eric. fun times. ::sigh:: i found a grey members only jacket that i was SO going to buy for only seven dollars to resell at home for ten, but i passed up the chance. that's okay. i bought a fun retro authentic retro bag, kind of like the ones puma makes now but mine is actually from the 70s. well it looks like it is. the three layers of grime on it say it is. i am listening to SP right now. i haven't listened to them in a while. that's probably why i got sick - my body was going through SP withdrawl.
so the thing is: i am deathly tired, but i have a rough draft of a my research paper due tomorrow. i really don't want to do it, but it is worth points, and doing it will at least have me one step closer to completing the paper.
i think maybe i love people too much sometimes. i love perry too much, but he needs to be loved too much because he's not loved enough. wow. that's a depressing thought.
sometimes i am too good of a friend. i did tom's research for his bio poster, and some of forest's too. but that's okay. i got a good laugh considering neither of them know how to conduct a search.
but right now i'm working on a research paper of how the Walt Disney Company is trying to take over the world. it's going well so far, considering the fact i started on it an hour ago and the rough draft (it's a 10 page paper, mind you) is due 8 am tomorrow morning. groovy baby. or kitschy, as sean and jack would say. fun times. love to all, must work for real now.

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