Friday, April 16, 2004

Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars

What would the world be like without Stan Getz? Really, what would it be like? We'd have no music to dance under the stars to, no music to drive to, no music to be miserably happy to. I'm in love with the mystique, the informality, the sexiness, the character of his music.

Six days. Six days and I'm back in Walnut Creek. Six days and school is over and I'm back to my old life. I don't know if I still want it. I don't know what life I want.

No one ever tells you college is hard. People only talk about how much fun you'll have, about the time they jumped naked into the fountain in the middle of campus, or when they painted the rival school their own school's colors the weekend of the Big Game. But I'll be honest. College is hard. Rather, moving away from home is hard. You're constantly struggling for independence from your parents, always fighting homesickness, endlessly meeting new people and gathering friends and feeling utterly's an endless cycle. It's rad, don't get me wrong. I know why people say these are the best years of your life. Only in college can you sleep until 4 in the afternoon, shrug off all responsibilities except for taking care of yourself, "forget" to call your mother who's worrying her heart out, wear all those funky clothes you were too embarrassed to wear in high school, stay out all night even though you have three papers due and a test the next day. College....IS.....AWESOME.

Maybe that's what makes it so great. The lack of caring, the amount of growth. I need to vary my sentence structure more, but it's a blog entry, so who really cares? And I'm in college. I'm not aiming to please.

Just enjoy life a little bit more. Take more walks, both at night and during the day. Eat one piece of candy a day. Buy yourself a new shirt even if you don't have the money. Just have fun. Just have fun and love other people.

I used to love life and I think that's why I loved people so much. I don't know what happened. I'm on the track back there though.

But okay. 12:21 AM and I'm super tired. I've been up for twelve hours...barely. One's day is supposed to be 8 hours work, 8 hours play, and 8 hours sleep. Mine's more like 12 hours work, 12 hours sleep. But I'm down with that. Sleep rocks.

And so do you.

Much love,
Lisa Marie.

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