Monday, April 12, 2004

Voodoo Wop

I can't decide what I want to listen to, so I'm listening to clinic, the most random band in the world. But i love clinic, so there we go.

i am so so so so tired. i went to vegas this weekend--such a blast. becky and brandon got engaged (finally) and i kicked with dane and taylor most of the time. fun kids. we stole street signs in their golf cart. they honestly just make me laugh so hard, almost as much as becky who laughs at everything bless her heart.

next year--i still don't have a place to live and i'm procrastinating a lot about it. i think it's because i don't really want to come back here.

my mom cried to me on the phone today. it scared me because she doesn't cry. she feels like she's screwed me up somehow, like the way i feel is partly her fault. well, it is. partly. and frankly i know how to take care of myself now and i can handle it. but it made me sad that she cried over it. sobbed. bawled. wailed even.

tomorrow is a busy day. studying, test, meeting with spencer, appointment with doctor bekker, class, class, class, choir rehearsal, choir performance, studying, party, studying, bed. busy day. busy frickin day.

i looked hot today. brown pinstriped blazer, pink button up blouse, levis, silver slippers with the little sequin stuff on them, retro sunglasses. baby baby...i looked like a rock star. word.

see here, i need to go to bed now. i should. i want to. but i can't. so love you all. have fun.

and all you cali peeps.........i miss you too. we'll be back together soon.

xoxo lisa

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