Friday, April 02, 2004

She's Losing It

Hair cut and dyed tonight. Turns out if i wanna go lighter i have to bleach it. crazy.

right now...belle and sebastian pumping. wearing my big sunglasses and trucker hat to the side looking pimp and shizz. love it.

water fight tonight. HUGE WATER FIGHT. i got so wet and then beckie and michelle locked themselves in MY ROOM and put MY CLOTHES ON including my puma and adidas track jackets!!!! I FLIPPED OUT AND STARTED HYPERVENTILATING (not really) BUT I WANTED TO!!!! no one will ever wear those except for me as long as i have anything to say about it. and then jessica went and got them all wet!! MY CLOTHES! but it's cool cos it's just water.

i'm really hot. like temperature. i think i have a fever because i've been having hot/cold flashes all day and i think i'm a bit too young for menopause.

should i go to las vegas next weekend for easter? should i go to the doctor?

sometimes i feel like making a list of all the thing i love, but then i remember i couldn't remember everything anyway, and that i would quite possibly leave off the most important things, so there's no point in the first place.

today martin called me and i didn't want to talk to him so i told him i had class even though i didn't. was that mean? i lied to someone who's just trying to be my friend. but for some reason, i get so anxious when he calls, when i hear his voice, when someone mentions his name....i cant handle it.

that's enough belle and sebastian now.

okay and i just found out that one of my friends back home is really wasted right now and that's kinda sad. nuthin i can do about that but really.....thursday night and they're drunk off their arse. chill baby. work for the weekend. but then it is april fools day and it could be a big prank.

okay that's it. THE WEEKEND IS ALMOST HERE. alright peace love rock and roll party hard love makes the world go round shake it dont break it cant stop the beat move your feet out on the street willy and the poor boys are playing i'm out!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoxo lliissaa

p.s. perry richard devenport you are dead meat.

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