Friday, February 29, 2008

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all!

Today marked day one of two important things. First: Day One as a G-wearing individual, and Second: Day One of mission clothes mania. The former is amazing and I love it. The latter feels like a bad episode of What Not to Wear.

Today I got four blouses. One is sky blue with these cute buttons on the cuff. Two more are from BR. They are the same style--short-sleeved with cute, puffy sleeves. One is white and the other is a fuschia color. The last blouse is gorgeous. Lavender (not my favorite--remember, I loathe wearing pastels). The detail that makes it all worth it, however, is the french cuffs. French cuffs are the hippest thing since Kristal, so I'm totally digging this blouse.

Next, I got two nice skirts and a nice suit jacket to accompany them. The jacket really goes better with the longer of the two skirts, but I think I can probably work it with either if I have to. They're black, of course.

This is the jacket. I won't be buttoning it all the way to the top, however. What do you think? Do you think a more traditional jacket with lapels would be better?

Next is the skirt that hits at mid-calf, and then there's a long skirt that has a little flounce at the bottom.

Basically, they're all just all right. I look very missionary-like in them. I was looking on tonight and found some nice skirts that I like better. We'll see what my mom says. I'm picky and testy and I should probably just chill.

Tonight my friend Grace called to say she received her mission call! Betcha can't guess where she's going! NO! Not St. Louis, MO. She's going to Independence, MO! Right next to me. Also, she enters the MTC a week after I do. I can't wait to hang out together!

I am in probably 75 percent mission mode. Wish me luck.


Patricia said...

LIIIIIIIISSSSSA! amy told me you were going on a mission!

word to the wise: you need to feel good about yourself on the mission so get close that you think you look good in. don't get things just because they fit the criteria of mission-wear, i.e. ugly and unflattering.

you are totally a fisher of men!

Meg Ruth said...

Oh man! I'm so excited for you, I can't even take it.

Capree said...

Nice! "Sister Ruefenacht" is almost complete! :D