Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I want to be on Coney Island.

I'm not sure what prompted me, but today, for the first time in at least four years, I listened to Death Cab's "The Photo Album." Why I've stayed away from this album for so long, I can't tell you. A mental lapse I suppose. An interest into more avant-garde, more obscure names to drop alongside my IHOP pancakes after shows. A genuine interest. I mean, what rejuvenation! Heart, mind, body and soul. I know my remedy for the blues now. But tonight I reconnected with this old friend, and I think we will be friends at least until the end of the week.

Tonight Bob, Page, their roommates and I went to Jump On It!, a miraculous place in Lindon, UT that features wall-to-wall gymnastic trampolines for your jack rabbiting pleasure. I loved it. I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to go back. I flashed back multiple times to my childhood days spent pounding on neighbor's and friend's trampolines; to be back in that realm soothed my soul. It also made me flash back to the multiple times I got hurt on trampolines, like the time I sprained my knee, and the time we were playing popcorn and I was a kernel and got bounced right off the tramp. And then the time my piano teacher's teenage son landed on a five-year-old me because he was jumping too high to remain in control. But like I said, I can't wait to go back.

Then we went to IHOP and got free pancakes. Did you know it was free pancake day? Betcha didn't. We all got a free short stack, on the condition we'd consider donating to the Children's Miracle Network. But I'm sure you can guess what I did.

Every once in a while I get this one lick from a song Frank Sinatra made famous in my head. It's from "Somewhere Along the Way." Frank croons: "I try to forget, but in the loneliness of night I start remembering everything. You're gone and yet there's a feeling deep inside that you will always be part of me." The only part I ever focus on is the loneliness of night, because some nights I just start feeling lonely for no reason, sometimes for a reason but sometimes for no reason, and I remember that if I just go to sleep that loneliness will be gone the next day. And it almost always is.

I want to serve my mission on Coney Island--the Coney Island mission, Freak-speaking. I would go tracking to all the carnie shacks and game booths. People would be in the Freak Show and I would come around with church materials and Books of Mormon. They would be in line at Nathan's and I would come around with a pamphlet that had a picture of a hot dog with the caption: "Fulfills the body temporarily," and then on the inside would be a picture of Jesus Christ with the caption, "Fulfills the soul permanently." People would eat it up! I would stand on a wooden milkcrate at the corner of Surf and Mermaid and let everyone know what they were missing. It would be so nice. But it would never really happen.

There are other things on my mind and I want to write about them, but I don't want some of you to read them. So this is all I will say about those things, and I hope they will stop bothering me after this. They won't though.

1 comment:

Meg Ruth said...

I heard about free pancakes at IHOP on the news, but poor Luke is sickly. so we stayed home and watched a bloody movie instead.

I would let you track me down at Coney Island if you served there. I think you would speak Freak quite well. Also, you'd get to eat hot dogs every day.