Monday, July 23, 2007

Hey Mambo!

Today I am feeling better. Today I am melancholy. Today I mostly just miss my grandparents. I should grow up.

I have two weeks left at PC Mag. It's funny, because two months ago I was convinced I was going to leave come mid-June. In retrospect this was the silliest thing I've ever thought. I am so SO glad I stayed in New York all summer. I wish I were staying longer. I leave in 17 days. Yesterday, Zack and I met in Fort Tryon Park before church. There was a, oh I'd say ten-year-old boy there who was scared of squirrels, so scared he squealed when one chased after him. Those are some tenacious squirrels in that park. I saw them sitting on this one dude's lap. Granted, he was feeding them peanuts, but still! Wild, domesticated squirrels. One almost climbed up my leg. Anyway, Zack left for Provo today. He said he was 20 percent excited. I'm probably 10-15 percent excited, which means I am mostly dreading it.

I am taking fun classes this semester. Super 8, ProTools, a mic-ing class, new media video production, media literacy, and a French conversation class. At least that's what I'm signed up for right now.

My roommate moved out this weekend, so I have the apartment to myself for the next week. So far I have been half-clothed/not clothed 100 percent of the time. Yay!

Saturday night I saw Daedelus play in Brooklyn. Look how cute he is! I went with my friend Lani, who's visiting from Provo. What's funny is that she said to me: "You should have him sign your boobs." I retorted: "This is not my speed." And then I got a text from Capree that said: "Have him sign your boobs for me." In keeping with my character, I did not have him sign my boobs. There's always his Salt Lake show in October for that. But Daedelus is so awesome. He has this little button machine that he plays. I wish I were at home right now so I could upload photos of him playing it. Maybe I will in the next entry.

Yesterday after church I went for a walk up to the park. I've noticed more lately that I really love the middle: the middle of sidewalks, the middle of benches, the middle seat on the subway. I just really like being in the middle. I know this means something about me psychologically, but I forget what. I think it has something to do with confidence. Or maybe arrogance. Or maybe that's just the fast lane on New York sidewalks.

Speaking of the park, yesterday as I was sitting in the park, facing the Hudson, I noticed a man watching me. It wasn't too weird until later I passed him on Ft. Washington at 187th. Coincidence, I thought. I turned and walked up 187th to catch the rest of the amazing sunset, and as I turned to leave I saw him again! Black Levi's, red t-shirt, moustache. Hopefully he's not lurking out PC Mag Labs.

A coworker of mine (and a native New Yorker) asked me a few weeks ago how I picked up the New York walk so fast as we headed down 28th to Chipotle. "It's genetic. My dad walks this way too," I said. That is true. But most people in New York walk like cattle about to be branded: apprehensive, cautions, fearful. You can tell a New York transplant from a block away because of their poor walking habits. I like what this guy has to say about walking in New York.

I really love White Rabbit candy.

Sometimes I just stop breathing. I don't know what to make of it. All I know is that I notice when I haven't inhaled for awhile.

I have been waking up at 6:17 am for a week-and-a-half straight. I don't know what to make of that either, but it means I've been getting to work earlier.

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