Sunday, July 29, 2007

I am leaving the states.

Forget my wedding night--last night was surely the best night of my life. I saw Sonic Youth, my favorite (I rarely assign this term to anything) band play in Brooklyn. It was life-changing. When I see bands like SY play, I feel so selfish as a musician, because I have all this musical ability that I'm not really doing anything with.

I am really not happy I have to go back to Provo in ten days. I am going to stop saying this though, and then maybe I won't care as much.

Phil and I bought some of those "vintage" Nikes. I'm still not sure on mine, but I will probably keep them because they're bright green, and I love a happy shoe. I tried on some white ones too--white with a blue swoosh and yellow detailing--but I think I would feel too Joe Castor in them. There was a Japanese dude who reeked of cool when we were in Niketown. He bought 13 pairs on the spot. The salespeople said he'd bought a ton more earlier in the day. He was a crafty young dude, I tell ya, undoubtedly hocking them on the streets of Tokyo for twice the US price.

This morning there was a dead mouse on my kitchen floor.

Right now Trent, Joe and Phil are staying with me. It makes me sad because I have to wear clothes when I'm at home now. Dan is over right now. We are watching Planet Earth and eating cheesecake with strawberry topping that Phil made. It's raining, and even though it's not hot outside, you still sweat because of the humidity. I am not okay with this.

Dan got a job at VH1 Classic. I think that job is pretty cool. He works in production, so he goes to the shoots. I'm telling you this as he's telling Joe this.

I always get depressed on Sundays. I think it's just because life slows down too much for my taste. Because Monday I'm happy again. Funny how I work.

Now we are watching some old dude on TV talking about rubbing iPods together to make fire. New York has some really weird TV.

Also, this video shaped much of my life. Thank you, Captain Steve-O.

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