Monday, September 15, 2003

Love lies in ruin

My mom and I had a huge breakthrough today. I told her why I hated her. I mean, I never really hated her through and through, but she scarred me emotionally and mentally. It's pretty private so I'm not going to say what it was about in such a public forum, but things are looking good for us. She told me she's really grateful for the way our relationship has blossomed and strengthened since I left home. And so am I. For so long all she would ever do was nag me nag me nag me, and I'm a free spirit who can't take fences. Being away from home has been great for me because I can finally be who I want to be all the time without her shadow looming over my bright sunshine. But yeah. I'm tired and need to read more before I go to bed. So goodnight to every little hour that you sleep tight, may it hold you to the winter of a long night and keep you from the Loneliness. Goodbye my love...

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