Saturday, September 27, 2003

Things Behind the Sun

Wow. I just realized that my title for yesterday's entry mentioins the sun as well. Hmmm, I think I'll deal. So I'm home this weekend, and already LOVING every minute of it. My parents took Becky and I to Fentons for dinner. This made me so happy since my Papa Walter always used to take us there, and I'd go there all the time with friends. Of course, it's all re-vamped now after the fire a few years ago, but the ice cream's still the same and I guess that's what matters most. So I have all these feelings surging through me right now. I'm so overwhelmingly happy to be home, to smell CA air and see familiar soil. I talked to Perry's dad tonight. I really do care for Perry so much. Perry: read this, and stop smoking. Just stop. It is helping no one and nothing, not even your image. But maybe I will tell you that tomorrow too...or later today rather. It is Saturday now; I just realized that. But it's 12:53 in CA right now, which means I still have a few more hours in me - 2 at least. But I dont think i'll take advantage of them. Peeps- just read this. Know that I care for you all with an insatiable love. Know that my heart is always with you and that I am only a phone call away. And Perry just called so I must go.

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