Thursday, September 11, 2003

To the Commonality

A few nights ago I met this guy Carl. That's his band's website. Carl plays bass. I like them a lot. Things have been going well here. Today I saw Matt and talked to him for awhile. Then we got each other's numbers. Hopefully he's not as big of a bookworm as he seems and he'll call me. But he gave me his number too so I could always call him. My new food staple is creamy peanut butter. I love it so much. But yeah, Carl and Matt. Then there's this guy Brian who I'm totally in love with because he's just so nice and sweet and great. Wow, I sound like I'm 13. It's true though, that Brian is really nice. That's about it though. Tom and Lindsay are dating now and this hurts because I've been pushed out of my friendship with them, mainly Tom. But whatever. Today I told him that and said "Now the ball's back in your court." Hahaha. Sometimes only sports analogies work with him. But I need to do some HW before Regan, Carl and I chizill.

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