Friday, December 04, 2009

Mortality stinks. And rocks.

Today was the worst day I've had since coming home almost a month ago.

I began driving to dear Dave's home. My car overheated. I found an AutoZone. Bought some coolant and five quarts of oil. The Rat drank four of them. I made it to chez Bisson.

Awhile later, I boarded the freeway to meet Capree for lunch. On the way there, the Rat started making a knocking noise. Risking life I pulled over between the road and an on-ramp. I was at point of the mountain, the most treacherous stretch of I-15, if you ask me. Two nice gentlemen stopped to help, but they didn't really help.

I had a delicious philly cheesesteak sandwich for lunch at Cabela's with Mrs. Capree. It had swiss cheese on it. Swiss cheese is the best cheese to put on a philly cheesesteak sandwich.

After that I somehow made it to the garage in American Fork. Sara, who I was scheduled to see, happened to be there already. We drove to Provo together. Got a Big Gulp (a girl needs her sip after such a horrendous day). Right as Sara dropped me off at Alec, the garage called to tell me I would soon be out $2,000. No oil = wrecked motor.

And if you think today was crazy, I should tell you about yesterday! In brief, Margaret and I spent most of our day in Salt Lake City getting approved to substitute teach, and it was parade of the weirdos day. We saw so many bizarre things, one after another, including hand-blown glass clowns all over a swanky antique shop, the Back to the Future car, and Rick James!

And then last night, I went to ice cream with Megan at the Creamery, and my favorite picture has been taken down. I may have taken you for ice cream there to see the infamous picture. If you want to know why it was such a great photo, you need to ask me privately. I am too much of a lady to type such indecencies on the internet.

AND THEN I did sealings at the temple tonight, and since I was the only single person in the room, the boss guy kept making comments to help me "feel better" for being single. I wasn't upset about it (he was a very kind man), but it was completely unnecessary.

To top off my complaints, I put on my favorite owl pajamas just now and found my mom shrunk them so badly that they're at least three inches too short at the ankle, waist and arm.

On the bright side, I am considered a "real winner" by mothers and fathers alike. So prospective husbands, make note!

Also, I really love you.


Jim/Blog said...

that sucks about the car :(

Capree said...

Pretty much the crappiest day ever! (Except for seeing me and eating Phillies, right?) And I agree with ol' Jim/Blog - that does suck about the car. $2000?? Ouch.

Starman said...

a "real winner" would have put American Cheese on her sandwich because with Swiss cheese, it ain't no Philly cheese nothin.