Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A Super 8 kind of day.

Today I saw my Super 8 teacher, Tim Irwin, at my favorite Mexican restaurant EVER (after Mama Chu's). It is called El Mexiquense and it's in American Fork. You may think so far I am trying to plug this restaurant. I should because it's really good. Really, I am plugging Super 8. I loved that class. As we chatted I remembered all the films I shot and spliced and how much I loved them and how much he loved them and how I would play a Sonic Youth song with basically every film I made. And how this girl, who turned out to be my little sister's roommate later on, was obsessed with me (in a "Whoa, Lisa is so cool, I wish she'd talk to me") way. Now she's on a mission.

So I watched all my Super 8 films in my mind this afternoon. Especially the one I made while in Hawaii. I don't think I've ever made anything so beautiful in my entire life. Thing is, Maui did all the work.

Remember how like, a year ago on my mission, I would say I was going to live on Maui for three months after I got back? What happened to that? I am going to look into a job with the Maui Times. Who wants to be my roommate? I'm not picky.

Well then, I got an e-mail from Alex this afternoon which led me to this. Thank heaven for good friends who catch a sister up on all the great things she's missed, especially when they involve Super 8 in digital!

Everyone! Watch this video!

silla-viento-peces from nick dangerfield on Vimeo.

But you know what? Typically I get some kind of funky camera for Christmas every year, and then I don't use them. Well really I do, but I've been gone for a long time and they're in storage. Except my Holga, because I shot on that over Thanksgiving.

Have I mentioned my nephew is the greatest ever? Seriously, this kid is pretty amazing.

His new favorite song is Toto's "Africa," which is great considering I've had that and The Temper Trap's "Sweet Disposition" on repeat for two days straight. The kid can dance!

My dad was in town today. I picked him up last night and brought him to Lars. Lars is a 1993 GMC Suburban. He has seen better days, evidently, because he had lots of indigestion driving home to California, and a bad case of IBS last night. Anyway, both last night and today, my dad tried to convince me to settle in Utah. Why? He himself said he gets depressed every time he comes here. He used Trevor as the reason. And really, he's right. How can I live so far away from Trevor? I CAN'T! I would die from heartache. My hunch, however, is that my dad really wants all his ducks in a row here in Utah. Mmhmm. I love my pappy.

And I love you! (No, I love you!) No, I love you! (I spend WAY too much time with Trevor).

1 comment:

ti said...

It was good to see you there. Best of luck to you.