Thursday, December 17, 2009

Woes of figgy pudding.

"In the school of mortality, the tutor is often pain and tribulation, but the lessons are meant to refine and bless us and strengthen us, not to destroy us." --Elder Robert D. Hales

I remind myself daily (multiple times, sometimes) that mortality and its accompanying cacophony isn't meant to be punitive. And it's not, I know. 2 Nephi 2 and all of that.

My dad was named the best dentist in the Bay Area by NBC News. They filmed a commercial today, PSA-type stuff. Dad is off the chain about it. I am so proud of my dad.

I'm not one to get gushy, but I am really blessed to have the parents I have. I mean REALLY blessed.

I broke my rule with figgy pudding (my rule: eating what I was served as a sissie mishie, be it elk, goat, rabbit, brain, lard-based, etc.). A dear sister in my area last Christmas wanted to know what figgy pudding was.

Just so you know, you don't want to know what it is.

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