Thursday, July 17, 2003

Sailing for adventure on the deep blue wet thing

Ah, the joys of summer. Did nothing of consequence today, except for buy two new CDs whilst chilling with Helen (one in Japanese, way cool) and go to SF for dinner as it's my father's 50th date of birth. Alright, that's wrong, but it's his 50th birthday. Every time I begin writing in this blog I become very bored. It's a bit weird. But I always write at night when my brain is on a bit of a standstill. I don't know why I'm so terribly scared in making a move with you-know-who. Well, some of you "know who;" most of you don't. And that's how it's going to stay until things are official. Normally I'm such a forward and honest person; one would think this would be no trouble. Well, normally it isn't. Oh well, I'll do something about it if i REALLY want to. Perry is home. I need to call him so I can kick his butt in pool; however, I haven't played in about three weeks. Yikes. He may beat me yet...:) Tom comes home in four and a half weeks and I CAN'T WAIT. I'm going to go learn a new Pumpkins song.

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