Thursday, July 31, 2003

I Need More Allowance...

...odelay-ee-oooh! Alright, my cell phone bill went way over last month, so please do not call me on it until I become less paranoid. Give me a week for that. At least. Dang, I haven't written in this thing for awhile. My dad's going through separation anxiety/another mid-life crisis as my sister and I are leaving for school soon, so he's reacting strangely, i.e. taking away my computer, yelling at me for things I didn't do, ummmmm yeah. Parents. Sheesh. My mom at least said she would take me shopping tonight. Hopefully she means she'll actually buy me something. Sheesh again. I keep having dreams that I hate BYU and I transfer to UCSC. Awesome dream. Last night I dreamt that I met Billy Corgan and then we became an "item." Hahaha, in yo' dreams, Lisa. Well hey. Man, so much is going on getting ready for school and everything, but I feel like I haven't done anything. I have luggage, clothes, a set schedule, really everything I need - I feel so unprepared. Probably normal anxiety, but I rarely get anxious; these feelings are foreign. Ah well. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I regret being so careless buying CDs for all these years. I do listen to most of them, but now I NEED MONEY, and I could have it all back if I just hadn't bought those CDs in the first place. Anyhow, I'm having a huge garage sale at my house soon, lots of my clothes, Helen's clothes, my CDs, lots of GOOD STUFF! So stop by. I'll put the details up as soon as I know myself. I have a new goal for my music career also: become a DJ. Like a house DJ. Wicked man! Just wait: I'll be the biggest thing in the UK since, uh, the Beatles! It's gonna rock. You'll see. That and SLC being the new Omaha.

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